General Education at Mississippi State University

Mississippi State University is committed to providing students with the essential critical and creative thinking skills necessary to navigate the world throughout their lives. A strong general education program is founded on the ideals of learning as a life-long activity that engages curiosity and deep thinking in broad and complex areas of inquiry.

Task Force on General Education

The Task Force on General Education sought to create a curriculum that instills relevance and a holistic educational experience. Near the end of 2022, the final report of the Task Force provided a series of recommendations to improve the program.

Revised Learning Outcomes

The faculty of Mississippi State University revised the general education outcomes to ones that are more in-tune with the institution’s mission and vision. The following outcomes are listed along with a brief description of why these outcomes are relevant to today’s students:

Learning Outcome Relevant Purpose
develop and express their ideas in writing for given audiences in a particular rhetorical situation Communicate to those outside of MSU about your experiences and what you have learned that qualify you for future career.
prepare and deliver purposeful presentations for given audiences in a particular rhetorical situation
reason and solve quantitative problems from a wide array of authentic contexts and everyday life situations Overcome challenges related to finite resources
interpret artistic expression and engage with a creative process Generate and contribute new ideas to a given situation
examine the human condition in different cultures throughout history Respect others, including those who come from different backgrounds and cultures
apply the scientific method and theories to empirical evidence to support scientific models of the universe Seek objective facts and differentiate facts from values
engage in scientific inquiry of human behavior in the context of value systems, institutions, economic structures, social groups, and/or environments Behave ethically and practice civic responsibility
evaluate issues, ideas, artifacts, and events through cross-disciplinary exploration before formulating an opinion or conclusion Consider multiple perspectives before arriving at a conclusion
work cooperatively with others toward a common purpose through shared responsibility and mutual accountability Collaborate with others as part of a team